mazowieckie, żyrardowski, Wiskitki
Land for sell
For sale an investment area with great potential in the village of Wiskitki, consisting of two plots of land with an area of 3,339 sqm and 3,340 sqm.
The property is currently classified as agricultural land, but due to its location and potential, there is a possibility to apply for a change of designation to other purposes, such as residential, service or industrial development.
Basic data about the plot:
- Location: Mazowieckie Province, Zyrardowski County, Wiskitki Municipality, Wiskitki township,
- Plot ID (Territory): 143805_4.0001,
- Soil Classes: RV, WRV, BrRV,
- Land Register: there is, no encumbrances,
- Pending Administrative Proceedings: none,
- Access: communal road,
- Road Type: asphalt.
Planning status:
- MPZP Resolution No. 28/XV/08 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE GMINY OF WISKITKI dated July 04, 2008,
- Designation in the plan "10R",
- Plot designation: agricultural areas,
- Assumed: leaving the land in its current use; possibility of development and expansion of existing buildings and facilities on plots with existing buildings; possibility of realization of buildings that are part of new farms (interpretation of farm according to separate regulations); possibility of realization of agro-tourist farms; construction of flood control facilities is allowed.
Investment area in Wiskitki is an excellent offer for investors who are looking for a plot of land with development potential. The plot in an attractive location, with a large area, gives a wide range of development possibilities.
Poglądowe zdjęcia udostępnione za pomocą:
Google, My Maps (Google), e-mapa, geoportal, SIP, BIP, OnGeo.
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