mazowieckie, płoński, Załuski, Stare Wrońska
Land for sell
I offer for sale a plot of land with great potential in the village of Vronskaya. The property is located in a convenient location, close to the S7 expressway, which provides excellent communication with other regions.
The plot currently has agricultural status, which creates opportunities both for agricultural investment and for future development, including the change of land use to construction or commercial purposes.
Basic data about the plot:
- Location: Mazowieckie Voivodeship, Plonski County, Zaluski Municipality, Vronska village,
- Plot ID (Territory): 142012_2.0013,
- Soil Classes: RIIIb, RIVa,
- Land Register: is, encumbered,
- Pending Administrative Proceedings: none,
- Access: communal road,
- Road Type: asphalt.
Planning Status:
- Study Resolution 102/XXIX/2002 dated April 24, 2002,
- Requirement to apply for Development Conditions (WZ),
- Plot designation: agricultural.
Poglądowe zdjęcia udostępnione za pomocą:
Google, My Maps (Google), e-mapa,, SIP, BIP, OnGeo.
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