mazowieckie, legionowski, Nieporęt, Izabelin
ul. Małołęcka
Land for sell
Izabelin near Nieporęt - an attractive plot for the construction of a single-family house with the possibility of building a two-family house (semi-detached house) for a family tired of noise, traffic jams and the hustle and bustle of the big city. The plot is located in a quiet neighborhood near Nieporęt near the Słupecka Forest, near the Royal Canal, at a distance of about 4 km from the border of Warsaw and 20 km - 30-35 minutes from the center of Warsaw.
The plot is located in the XV building line, on a dirt road at a distance of ca 260 m from the asphalt street (Ash Street), among modern single-family housing and undeveloped land. The plot is ideal for building a house for a family with children wishing to live in an interesting and peaceful neighborhood with good access to Warsaw.
The plot is separated from a larger area, which can be used for single-family detached or semi-detached housing estates.
In the vicinity of an elementary school, kindergarten, grocery stores, several restaurants, cafes, swimming pool, bus stop (line L-8 at a distance of 650 m and lines 705 and 735 in Stanislawów), SKM stop in Nieporęt.
Basic data about the plot:
- Location: Mazowieckie Province, Legionowski County, Nieporęt Municipality, Izabelin township,
- Plot ID (Territory): 140803_2.0006,
- Plot number before subdivision: 11/3,
- Projected plot number: 11/22,
- Projected area: 800 sq.m,
- Plot shape: flat, not wooded, meadow,
- Media: city water supply ca 660 m, power line ca 270 m,
- Land Register: established, property without encumbrances,
- There is no development on the plot.
Planning status:
- MPZP Resolution No. XI/63/2015 of the Municipal Council of Nieporęt dated July 27, 2015,
- Plan designation "MN/U",
- Plot designation: single-family residential and commercial development,
- Development intensity ratio: maximum 0.7.
The plot is ideal for a family with children, people who like nature and water, who appreciate peace and quiet or ecological lifestyle enthusiasts.
The plot is ideal for a family with children, people who like nature and water, who appreciate peace and quiet or ecological lifestyle enthusiasts.
Poglądowe zdjęcia udostępnione za pomocą:
Google, My Maps (Google), e-mapa, geoportal, SIP, BIP, OnGeo.
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Pracuję od poniedziałku do soboty w godzinach 7-19.
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