mazowieckie, wołomiński, Dąbrówka, Sokołówek
Land for sell
I present an offer for the sale of land with an area of 7400 sq.m.
Classification in the Land and Building Register - RV, RVI, PsV, LsV, location - the village of Sokolowek, in the municipality of Dąbrówka.
There is no MPZP created for the area.
The plot of land directly next to the forest, there is a possibility to use it as a recreational area. Ideal location for those looking for peace and quiet and proximity to nature. The possibility of direct contact with nature and, in these days, so desirable tranquility, are assets that cannot be overestimated. P flowing nearbythe Bug River provides a wealth of opportunities for active leisure. The proximity of the forest and, at the same time, the city, is an important motive encouraging interest in the offered location.
The Dąbrówka commune is located 35 km from Warsaw and has an agricultural character with a developed form of recreation (recreational plots). Through the area of the municipality flows the Bug River and the national road No. 8 and the European route E67 Warsaw - Bialystok - Helsinki so-called Through the Baltic Sea.
Plot price: 370000 zł, 50 zł/sq.m.
I invite you to contact me to access the offers and final application on site.
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