mazowieckie, warszawski zachodni, Stare Babice, Klaudyn
ul. Witolda Lutosławskiego
Land for sell - Attractive property near Kampinos National Park
Klaudyn near Bemowo - Radiowa - attractive plot for the construction of a large single-family house for a family looking for contact with nature, close to Kampinos National Park and Warsaw, outside the hustle and bustle of the big city.
The plot is located in a quiet area near the Kampinos Forest, just 1.5 km from the border of Warsaw and 13 km from the center of Warsaw. It takes 30 minutes to reach the center.
The plot is located in the first line of development from the main street Klaudyna, directly on the street with asphalt surface. The property is located among single-family buildings. The plot is ideal for building a house for a family with children wishing to live in an interesting and peaceful neighborhood with very good access to Warsaw.
A nearby elementary school (Stare Babice and Izabelin), kindergarten, grocery stores, within 2-3 km several restaurants including Michel Moran's MaMaison, cafes, close to large shopping centers in Łomianki and Młociny, local shopping center in Stare Babice, bus stop - line Z12 to Metro Młociny, line 712 to Metro Bemowo and line 96 to Bemowo-Boernerowo (WAT).
Basic data about the plot:
- Location: Mazowieckie Voivodeship, Warsaw West County, Stare Babice Municipality, Klaudyn town,
- Plot ID (Territory): 143207_2.0011,
- Plot Number: 683/18,
- Area: 1,162 sq.m.,
- Plot shape: flat, unforested, developed with a 100-year-old house to be demolished/modernized,
- Media - connections: city water supply, overhead power connection, gas,
- Media in the street: sanitary sewer, fiber optics,
- Land Register: established, property unencumbered, sell heirs,
- There is a century-old apartment building on the plot - three rooms, kitchen, bathroom.
Planning status:
- MPZP Resolution No. V/33/11 of the Municipal Council of Stare Babice dated April 7, 2011,
- Designation in the plan "MN2",
- Purpose of area: single-family residential development,
- Possible development: single-family detached house of one or two units,
- Development height: maximum 11.5 m,
- Number of storeys: two usable attics,
- Development area ratio: max. 0.35,
- Building intensity ratio: max. 0.9,
- Biologically active area: 60%.
The plot is ideal for a family with children, people who like nature and water, who appreciate peace and quiet or ecological lifestyle enthusiasts.
Poglądowe zdjęcia udostępnione za pomocą:
Google, My Maps (Google), e-mapa, geoportal, SIP, BIP, OnGeo.
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