mazowieckie, warszawski zachodni, Stare Babice, Borzęcin Duży
ul. Spacerowa
Land for sell
A building plot for sale in Borzęcin Duży, near Spacerowa Street, close to Kampinoski National Park. The plot is located in a picturesque area, ideal for those looking for peace and quiet, proximity to nature and, at the same time, convenient access to Warsaw.
The plot is well connected to Warsaw - it takes about 25 minutes by car, and buses to the capital regularly run from nearby bus stops. There are local stores, kindergartens, a school nearby, and the nearest shopping center in Stare Babice is 8 km away.
This is a perfect place to build a house, offering the comfort of living in a quiet neighborhood with easy access to the necessary infrastructure.
Basic data about the plot:
- Location: Mazowieckie Voivodeship, Warsaw West County, Stare Babice Municipality, village Borzęcin Duży,
- Plot ID (Territory): 143207_2.0004,
- Soil Class: R,
- Media: water, sewerage, gas, electricity, Internet on the road,
- Court Register: there is, no encumbrance,
- Pending Administrative Proceedings: none,
- Access: easement,
- Road Type: dirt.
Planning status:
- MPZP Resolution No. VIII/55/11 OF THE COUNCIL OF STARE BABICE dated June 30, 2011,
- Designation in the plan "R",
- Plot designation: single-family residential development, agricultural.
Poglądowe zdjęcia udostępnione za pomocą:
Google, My Maps (Google), e-mapa,, SIP, BIP, OnGeo.
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