mazowieckie, warszawski zachodni, Kampinos, Komorów

area: 1 345.00 m2
price: 228 650 PLN
price m2: 170.00 PLN

Land for sell

I invite you to watch a video from a drone

A sensational plot of land located in Komorowo municipality of Kampinos bordering the Kampinos Forest for which the following development conditions can be obtained.

a) construction of a two-family residential building,
b) construction of an individual water intake,
c) construction of a non-drain tank for liquid waste with a capacity of up to 1O m3.
II. Conditions and detailed rules for the development of the site and its development resulting from separate regulations, in terms of:

a) development line - the project site is adjacent to the public road only on the fragment constituting a private internal road with a width of 8.0 m (parcel no. No. 199/1O), where it is not possible to locate a building, and therefore no building line is determined - the building line is determined only from the front of the plot adjacent to the public road lane and determines the maximum proximity of the building to the road lane, the specific location of the object within the boundaries of the project site, in accordance with separate regulations, will take place at the stage of the building permit decision. From the borders of neighboring plots, from the border of the forest and from the existing oil pipeline, the planned investment should be located in accordance with the applicable technical conditions;
b) development area - taking into account the investor's request, the size of the development area in relation to the area of the investment site is set at a maximum of 18%, the share of biologically active area - a minimum of 60%;
c) width of the front elevation - taking into account the investor's request, the width of the front elevation for the proposed development is established - from 19.0 m to 21.0 m;
d) height of the upper edge of the front elevation - taking into account the investor's request, the height of the upper edge of the front elevation for the designed development is established from 7.5 m to 9.5 m;
e) roof geometry - taking into account the investor's request, a gable roof with a slope angle of 30° to 45° is established for the designed development, the height of the roof ridge from 8.5 m to 10.5 m. The direction of the main ridge of the roof in relation to the front of the plot is specified in the graphic annex to the decision.
Access to the public road - the project site has access to the municipal public road (plot no. 171) via an internal road (plot no. 199/1O).

Existing or projected land development - is sufficient for the construction project: supply of the designed building with electricity will be made from the existing connection to the power grid, supply of water from the designed individual water intake, ultimately from the water supply network, sewage will be discharged to the designed non-liquid waste tank with a capacity of up to 1O m3, ultimately to the sewage network, supply of heat from an individual heat source.


Zapraszam na prezentację.

Jeśli masz pytania dzwoń, pisz.

Pracuję 7 dni w tygodniu.


Offer number
The width of the plot
The length of the plot
The shape of the plot
Corner plot
Single-family housing (two-unit)
The lay of the land

Legal status

Aktualne pozwolenie na budowe
The possibility of sharing
Local development plan
Case study
Development conditions


Electricity / power
City sewerage
Urban Heating

All locations on the map are approximate.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask

Małgorzata Grabowska

Ekspert ds. Nieruchomości

