podkarpackie, rzeszowski, Dynów, Dąbrówka Starzeńska
Land for sell
I offer you a plot of land in Dąbrówka Starzeńska, on Bartkówka Street, with access to a public road. The property is located in a quiet area, away from the hustle and bustle of the big city, which provides peace and comfort of living.
The plot is dry, with no danger of flooding, and its location near the Przemyskie Foothills Landscape Park adds to its charm. The zoning of the plot is single-family residential development, but the location of service, retail and catering establishments built into residential buildings is also allowed.
This is an ideal place to build a house, with the possibility of developing a business in harmony with the character of the area.
Basic data about the plot:
- Location: Subcarpathian Voivodeship, Rzeszów County, Dynów Municipality, the village of Dąbrówka Starzeńska,
- Plot ID (Territory): 181605_2.0002,
- Soil classes: W/ŁIV, ŁIV, ŁIII,
- Media: on the road water, sewerage, gas and electricity,
- KWR: there is, no encumbrance,
- Pending administrative proceedings: none,
- Road type: asphalt,
- Communication access: bus - Dąbrówka Starzeńska 675 m, Dynów Karolówka 745 m, Bartkówka Góra 801 m.
Planning status:
- MPZP Resolution No. XXX/235/98 of the Municipal Council of Dynów dated March 17, 1998,
- Plot designation: single-family residential development,
- The location of service, retail and catering establishments embedded in residential buildings is allowed.
Poglądowe zdjęcia udostępnione za pomocą:
Google, My Maps (Google), e-mapa, geoportal.gov.pl, SIP, BIP, OnGeo.
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