mazowieckie, otwocki, Wiązowna

area: 1 681.00 m2
price: 2 460 000 PLN
price m2: 1 463.41 PLN

Land for sell

Wiązowna - an excellent plot for a private investor with the possibility to build a beautiful residence for a family tired of the hustle and bustle, traffic jams and noise of the big city.The plot is located in a quiet residential area in Wiązowna, close to the A2 highway and the S17 expressway, in the vicinity of the planned Góraszka shopping center, at a distance of about 23 km - 30 minutes from the center of Warsaw.

The plot is located on a dirt access road, about 50 m from the asphalt street, among modern residential buildings and forest areas. The plot is ideal for building a house for a family with children wishing to live in an interesting and peaceful area with good access to Warsaw.

On this beautiful plot it is possible to build a residence - a zero-emission residential house equipped with renewable energy sources - PV installation, air-to-water heat pump and a recuperation system providing in the annual balance 100% of the energy needs of the house and its inhabitants.

Nearly there is an elementary school, grocery stores, several restaurants, cafes, kindergarten, bus stop (3 lines at a distance of 600 m).

Basic data about the plot:

  • Location: Mazowieckie Province, Otwock County, the town of Wiązowna,
  • Plot ID (Territory): 141708_2.0021,
  • Soil Classes: Bi, LsVI,
  • Land Register: there is, property without encumbrances,
  • There is no development on the plot,
  • Around 1/5 of the plot is formally forest, the remaining part is wooded but not subject to forest protection regulations.

Planning Status:

  • MPZP Resolution No. 22.XIX.2020 COUNCIL OF THE Municipality of WiĄZOWNA dated February 25, 2020,
  • Designation in the plan "MN3",
  • Designation of the area: single-family residential development in detached buildings only,
  • Development intensity ratio: maximum - 0.4,
  • Roofs - flat or sloped.

Atractive location of the property, great potential for residential function, good access to the plot, 25-30 minutes to the center of Warsaw, which allows you to live comfortably away from the hustle and bustle of the city, but with quick access to all amenities of the capital. The location in this place is peace and quiet, good neighborhood, thanks to zero emissions can be low maintenance costs of the house. The plot is ideal for families with children, people working remotely who value peace and quiet, as well as for ecological lifestyle enthusiasts who want to live in a zero-emission house.

Poglądowe zdjęcia udostępnione za pomocą: 
Google, My Maps (Google), e-mapa, geoportal, SIP, BIP, OnGeo.

Obsługa transakcji przez Pośrednika Nieruchomości z państwową licencją pośrednika w obrocie nieruchomościami nr 1799.

Serdecznie zapraszam na prezentację nieruchomości w dogodnym dla Państwa terminie. Jeśli macie Państwo pytania, proszę pisać i dzwonić.
Pracuję od poniedziałku do soboty w godzinach 7-19.


Offer number
The width of the plot
The length of the plot
The shape of the plot
Corner plot
Single-family housing (house)
The lay of the land

Legal status

Aktualne pozwolenie na budowe
The possibility of sharing
Local development plan
Case study
Development conditions


Electricity / power
City sewerage
Urban Heating

All locations on the map are approximate.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask

Artur Szczerbiński

Specjalista ds. Gruntów inwestycyjnych i działek

