mazowieckie, nowodworski, Czosnów, Cząstków Polski

area: 13 910.00 m2
price: 8 067 800 PLN
price m2: 580.00 PLN

Land for sell

We have a building-investment plot, with a separate industrial plot.

Location : Cząstków Polski by the S7 Warsaw - Gdansk route.

Access to the plot by an asphalt road from Czosnow or from Palmiry.
Plot width 51.64 m x 283.13 m.

Building plot included in the Local Land Use Plan with symbols:

  • UP2 - production facilities, warehouses and storage facilities
  • 0.88 ha ( 51.64 x 178.32 )
  • MN 2/12 - development areas
  • 0.5141 ha ( 51.64 x 104.81 )


For areas marked with symbol MN2.12: l) basic purpose - areas of single-family housing;2) supplementary purpose - service development;

3) the following parameters and indicators of development:

a) development in the form of detached buildings and semi-detached buildings,

b) prohibition of development in the form of terraced and group buildings,

c) buildings up to 3 overground floors, the 3rd of which as an usable attic,

d) the height of buildings up to 1 1.0 m,

e) gable or multi-slope roofs with a slope from 200 to 450;4) the following parameters and indicators of the formation of outbuildings and garage buildings:

a) buildings 0 1 overground storey,

b) the height of buildings up to 6,0 m,

c) gable or multi-slope roofs from 200 to 450;

5) the following parameters and indicators of land development:impassable building line in accordance with the drawing of the plan,for semi-detached buildings allow them to be located directly at the border with the adjacent building plot,for outbuildings and garage buildings with a length greater than 6.5 m and a height greater than 3 m facing the wall without windows and doors towards the border of the building plot on which they are located, allowing them to be located directly at this border if they are in contact with a similar building on a neighboring plot, or at a distance of 1.5 m from this border,

maximum building intensity at 0.5,minimum building intensity at 0.01,minimum percentage of biologically active area at 70%,

maximum building area at 0.25,minimum area of a newly separated building plot at:

- 800 m2 for one segment of semi-detached or detached building

- in case it is connected to the sanitary sewer system,

- 1200 rn2 for detached development in case the building is not connected to the sanitary sewer system.


For areas marked with the symbol U/P2, it is established:
1) designation - areas of service development and production facilities, warehouses and storages;

2) permitting the construction of transformer stations with a rated voltage higher than I kV;

3) the following parameters and indicators of development:the height of buildings up to 12.5 m,flat roofs and two or multi-slope roofs with a slope of up to 450;

4) the following parameters and indicators of land development:impassable building line in accordance with the drawing of the plan,maximum building intensity of 1,0,minimum building intensity of 0,01,minimum percentage of biologically active area of 30%,size of the development area of a maximum of 0,5,minimum area of a newly separated building plot of 3000 m2

5) communication services from public roads of class D and after reconstruction of the national road No. 7 also from roads of local importance: collective, local and access roads, located in areas of communication marked with the symbol KD.

The plot is located in the vicinity of plots of land developed by production halls, outbuildings and investment facilities.


Offer number
The width of the plot
The length of the plot
The shape of the plot
Corner plot
The lay of the land

Legal status

Aktualne pozwolenie na budowe
The possibility of sharing
Local development plan
Case study
Development conditions


Electricity / power
City sewerage
Urban Heating

All locations on the map are approximate.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask

Anna Wenda

Ekspert ds. Nieruchomości

