mazowieckie, legionowski, Nieporęt

ul. Jana Kazimierza 192

area: 5 742.00 m2
price: 649 000 PLN
price m2: 113.02 PLN

Land for sell

For sale a beautiful, large 5720 m2 (0.572 ha) green plot in the currently emerging housing estate in Nieporęt (Legionowo poviat), the last one on the edge of the forest, with the possibility of building a one- or two-family house. The whole plot consists of four components: permanent meadows ŁV 0.311 ha, arable land RIVb 0.121 ha (marked in the applicable Local Spatial Development Plan as 16ZN / RP), agricultural land RIVb RV 0.105 ha and RIVb, RV 0.035 ha (marked in the applicable Local Development Plan Spatial Development Plan as 8MN). For the area of the Lipy estate in the village of Nieporęt, the local plan adopted in 2001 specifies the intended use of the area for: single-family housing (minimum plot area of 1000 m2 for detached buildings, 750 m2 for semi-detached buildings), development residential, high-intensity single-family housing, service areas with residential buildings and service areas. Annex No. 1 to the Resolution No. X / 46/2011 of the Nieporęt Commune Council of June 9, 2011. Of the Spatial Development of the Commune of Nieporęt Local Plan 006 Nieporęt Osiedle Lipy & ndash; excerpt from the Local Spatial Development Plan of the "Lipy" estate, adopted by Resolution No. 74 / XLI / 01 on June 28, 2001, the following intended use of the area and the rules for their development: 1) single-family housing, marked on the plan drawing with symbols: 4MN, 5MN, 6MN, 7MN, 8MN, 9MN [& hellip;] Chapter V Arrangements for the area of single-family housing, marked on the drawing of the plan in a scale of 1: 1000, constituting Annex No. 1 to this resolution with the symbols: 4MN, 5MN, 6MN, 7MN, 8MN, 9MN, 11MN, 12MN, 18MN, 19MN, 20MN, 21MN, 27MN, 28MN, 30MN, 31MN, 34MN, 37MN, 40MN, 40aMN. & sect; 141. In the areas marked in the plan drawing with the symbol MN, the following are determined: 1) Basic purpose - detached or semi-detached single-family housing, 2) Permissible (supplementary) purpose: a) utility rooms built into the body of a residential building or free-standing, b) garages built into the body of the building a residential building or a detached building, c) services built into the body of a residential building, intended for business activities related to the supply and living of residents. 2. In relation to the new housing development, in the areas referred to in paragraph 1 point 1: 1) the rules and conditions for the division of the property: a) the minimum width of the shortest side of the plot should not be less than: 􀀀 18 m for detached buildings, 􀀀 14 m for semi-detached buildings, b) minimum plot size: 􀀀 1000 m2 - for free-standing buildings 750 m2 - for semi-detached buildings 2) rules and conditions for shaping the buildings and land equipment: a) minimum widths and sizes of plots specified in paragraph 2 point 1, b) impassable building lines located: 􀀀 from the lines delimiting the local (KL) and access roads (KD) at a distance of 5 m and 15 m from Jana Kazimierza Street. plan drawing, c) applicable building lines (for part of the 27MN, 28MN unit area) meaning that the front of the building must be directly adjacent to the building line, & nbsp; d) the naturally active area cannot be less than 70% of the plot area, e) the maximum height of the new buildings: 􀀀 residential buildings 2 usable floors, 􀀀 farm buildings 1 storey. f) roof slope: 􀀀 minimum roof slope - 25 & deg;, 􀀀 maximum roof slope & ndash; 45 & deg;, g) colors of the roof in shades of red, brown and gray for individual planning units, h) acceptable material for multi-hipped roofs - ceramic roof, roof-shaped coated sheet or other ecological materials, and ) front fencing of openwork plots with a ban on the use of concrete prefabricated elements, with a maximum height of 1.8 m, located on the defined road dividing line, 3) specific land development conditions, a) for single-family housing areas located in the vicinity of a forest in the Warsaw Protected Landscape Area, the distances from the forest specified in the plan drawing shall apply, b) for residential buildings in units No. high pressure gas pipeline 3. It is forbidden to use the heating system with fuel contaminated with compounds above the permissible standards. 4. It is forbidden to discharge untreated sanitary sewage into surface waters and into the ground. 5. In the area covered by the plan, it is allowed to locate local sewage pumping stations. 6. Municipal waste may be collected on plots in places intended for this purpose. Chapter XII Arrangements for low green areas and field and horticultural crops marked on the drawing of the plan on a scale of 1: 1000, constituting Annex No. 1 to this resolution, with the symbol: 15ZN / RP, 16ZN / RP, 17ZN / RP, 32ZN / RP, 33ZN / RP. & Sect; 211. In the areas marked in the plan drawing with the symbol ZN / RP, the following shall be determined: a) basic purpose & ndash; green and agricultural areas, b) acceptable (supplementary) designation: 􀀀 overhead and underground networks of technical infrastructure and related devices, 2. It is forbidden to introduce cubature objects for green and agricultural areas. 3. The adaptation and protection of the existing trees and their enrichment with new plantings are hereby established. 4. In the area directly from the gas and oil pipelines, a ban on the introduction of trees and shrubs is established. The plot is not located in the area of revitalization or in a special revitalization zone; no Simplified Forest Management Plan has been prepared for the plot, nor has a forest management decision been issued on the basis of the inventory of the forest condition; Under the plot marked as ZN / RP in the local development plan, there is a high-pressure gas pipeline with a protection zone of 36 m, including some plots marked in the local development plan as 8MN. The 8MN plot has a valid building permit issued


Offer number
The width of the plot
The length of the plot
The shape of the plot
Corner plot
The lay of the land

Legal status

Aktualne pozwolenie na budowe
The possibility of sharing
Local development plan
Case study
Development conditions


Urban in way
Electricity / power
City sewerage
Urban Heating

All locations on the map are approximate.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask

Ewa Hołopiak

Ekspert ds. Nieruchomości

