mazowieckie, legionowski, Jabłonna
Land for sell
Jabłonna - attractive plot for a single-family house (can be a two-family house), in the IV line of development from Szkolna Street.
A plot among single-family and commercial development, almost directly at the border of Warsaw. The plot is located in the southern part of Jablonna, close to the shopping center, the city bypass, among low-rise buildings. The property is located at a distance of about 150 m from Modlińska street and 150 m from Szkolna street, at a distance of about 16 km in a straight line from the center of Warsaw.
The plot is located at the planned access street from Szkolna Street (planned co-ownership), Szkolna Street has a gravel surface at a distance of about 50 m and further asphalt.
In the vicinity of an elementary school, grocery stores, several restaurants, cafes, kindergarten, bus stop (line 723 at a distance of 600 m).
Basic data about the plot:
- Location: Mazowieckie Voivodeship, Legionowski County, Jabłonna town,
- Plot ID (Territory): 140802_2.0001,
- Plot Number: 4061,
- Soil class: RIVb,
- Plot terrain: flat, not wooded, several old fruit trees to be cut down,
- Land register: there is, property without encumbrances,
- There is no development on the plot.
Planning status:
- MPZP Resolution No. XXIV/239/2012 of the Council of the Municipality of Jabłonna dated September 26, 2012,
- Designation in the plan "A4.MN",
- Designation of the area: single-family residential development,
- Development height: max. 9 m (2 overground storeys, no basements),
- Development intensity ratio: maximum - 0.3 which means that you can build a one-storey house with a total built-up area of up to about 250 sqm or a two-storey house with a total built-up area of up to about 250 sqm,
- Roof - multi-sided.
Purchase with co-participation of 1/4 part in plot No. 915/1 - access road.
.Poglądowe zdjęcia udostępnione za pomocą:
Google, My Maps (Google), e-mapa, geoportal, SIP, BIP, OnGeo.
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