mazowieckie, warszawski zachodni, Stare Babice, Latchorzew
ul. Szarych Szeregów
House for sell
For sale I offer you a detached house in the village of Latchorzew, on Szarych Szeregów Street.
The property is located in the immediate vicinity of the Bemowo Forest and the Nature Reserve "Moose Muds". It is a quiet and peaceful area with plenty of greenery, which is conducive to walking and sports. There are numerous stores, restaurants, service outlets, schools and kindergartens, a gated estate with security.
Home with the possibility of division to live for two families. First floor and second floor separated from the second floor, both separations have their own bathrooms, kitchens, etc. The whole is very functionally designed. A new almost unused fireplace will be an added advantage.
Home to be refreshed, charming quiet neighborhood.
There is a possibility to buy the neighboring plot of 799 sq.m.
Basic information:
- Location: Mazowieckie Voivodeship, Warsaw West County, Stare Babice Municipality, Latchorzew township,
- Plot ID (Territory): 143207_2.0016,
- Media: water, gas, electricity, sewerage and Internet,
- KWR: there is, no encumbrance,
- Pending administrative proceedings: none,
- Communication access: bus (line 712 and 714),
- Access: local road,
- Road type: asphalt.
Planning status:
- MPZP Resolution No. VIII/55/11 OF THE COUNCIL OF STARE BABICE dated June 30, 2011,
- Designation in the plan "MN1",
- Purpose of the area: single-family residential development, implemented in the form of detached or semi-detached buildings.
The property is well connected to Warsaw, access to the center takes about 15 minutes by car.
From the nearby bus stops, there are regular buses to Warsaw.
Poglądowe zdjęcia udostępnione za pomocą:
Google, My Maps (Google), e-mapa, geoportal, SIP, BIP, OnGeo.
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