małopolskie, chrzanowski, Chrzanów
ul. Powstańców Styczniowych
Warehouse object for sell
For sale a complex of warehouse and production facilities located in the Malopolska Province locality of Chrzanów, at Powstańców Styczniowych Street.
The property is located in the vicinity of other industrial plants. Current purpose meat plants, warehouses, cold stores.
Access to the site through two independent gates. Cooling in warehouses Freon/Ammonia/co2. Own sewage treatment plant. Two power connections of 800 KW each. Two own water intakes with permits to a depth of 120 and 60 m. The area around the buildings paved with cobblestones, trilica and asphalt pavement.
Basic information:
- office and warehouse area: 29,742 sq.m.,
- plot area: 27 ha,
- year of construction: 1971,
- post grid: 12,
- unloading ramps: yes,
- floor capacity: 2,500 kg,
- storage height: 6 to 14 m,
- monitoring: yes,
- fencing: yes,
- parking spaces for TIR: yes,
- parking spaces for cars: yes.
The property has excellent accessibility:
- A4 freeway - only 4 km,
- Katowice - 30 km,
- Cracow - 40 km,
- Warsaw - 330 km.
Location provides easy and quick access to major transportation hubs, making it an ideal place to conduct business with convenient connections to major cities.
Possible use: production, services, storage 4PU, 6PU, 6U, 5PU, 7PU, 2PU, 3PU, 8PU.
Planning status: MPZP Resolution No. XXV/250/2020 dated October 20, 2020. Municipal Council of Chrzanów.
The property consists of:
- Warehouse area 216 sq.m.,
- Fertilizer building area 360 sq.m.,
- Porthouse area 272 sq.m.,
- Office building area 1,448 sq.m.,
- Car wash facility area 72 sq.m,
- Oil building area 90 sq.m.,
- Warehouse area 723 sq.m.,
- Wastewater treatment plant area 190 sq.m.,
- Garage area 468 sq.m.,
- Production building 1C with an area of 3,748 sq. m.,
- Production building 1E 1 with an area of 1,515 sq. m.,
- Production building 1E 2 with an area of 353 sq. m.,
- Production building 1F with an area of 764 sq.m.,
- Hydrophornia with an area of 47 sq.m.,
- Production building 1A with an area of 823 sq.m.,
- Production building 1B with an area of 2,483 sq.m.,
- Production building 1G 1 with an area of 1,590 sq.m.,
- Production building 1G 2 with an area of 1,226 sq.m.,
- Building 1H - freezing machines, screw compressors with an area of 176 sq.m.,
- Boiler room, seasoning 1D with an area of 719 sq.m.,
- Transfer station with an area of 116 sq.m.,
- Poultry refrigeration room with an area of 335 sq.m.,
- Store room with an area of 282 sq.m.,
- Steam hall No. 1, 2, 3 - an area of 667 sq.m.
Poglądowe zdjęcia udostępnione za pomocą:
Google, My Maps (Google), e-mapa, geoportal, SIP, BIP, OnGeo.
Serdecznie zapraszam na prezentację nieruchomości w dogodnym dla Państwa terminie.
Jeśli macie Państwo pytania, proszę pisać i dzwonić.
Pracuję od poniedziałku do soboty w godzinach 7-19.
Information about the building
Terms of Business
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask