mazowieckie, warszawski zachodni, Stare Babice, Latchorzew
Commercial premise for rent
An attractive offer to rent a spacious service and commercial premises with an area of about 53.7 sqm. - located in Latchorzewo on the main high-traffic street leading from Warsaw to Stare Babice.The premises are located on the first floor of a residential building - in the local shopping arcade, which provides easy access for potential customers and users of the premises.
The premises were used as a beauty studio and dental office, hence its division into small rooms separated by plasterboard walls. In the event of a change in the function of the premises, the walls can be eliminated and create larger interiors. Large glass window. Thanks to the flexible layout of the premises there is the possibility of its free adaptation to individual needs. The premises can be divided into smaller rooms or used as a single space, making it an ideal choice for both retail and service activities.
List of rooms:
- sales hall - 29.5 sq.m.
- backroom - 6.5 sq.m.
- WC - 1.46 sq.m,
- communication - 6 sq. m.
Local premises are suitable for a variety of activities, including:
- commercial,
- service,
- pharmacy,
- doctor's office,
- office,
- rehabilitation,
- medical services,
- law firm,
- insurance firm,
- real estate office,
- language school,
- cosmetic,
- hairdressing,
- supermarket spa.
Rent is relatively low with a large rental area, attractive to the Tenant.
Poglądowe zdjęcia udostępnione za pomocą:
Google, My Maps (Google), e-mapa, geoportal, SIP, BIP, OnGeo.
Obsługa transakcji przez Pośrednika Nieruchomości z państwową licencją pośrednika w obrocie nieruchomościami nr 1799.
Serdecznie zapraszam na prezentację nieruchomości w dogodnym dla Państwa terminie. Jeśli macie Państwo pytania, proszę pisać i dzwonić.
Pracuję od poniedziałku do soboty w godzinach 7-19.
Media and equipment
Security building
Rent includes:
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask