łódzkie, bełchatowski, Bełchatów
Commercial building for sell
A building for sale in Belchatow, on Przemyslowa Street, ideal for an employee hotel, with the possibility of adaptation to hotel, office or service purposes.
The property is characterized by a functional layout and a convenient location, which makes it an excellent proposition for investors looking for a facility to convert into a hotel complex, offices or service space. The building offers a wide adaptation potential, which makes it possible to adjust it to various business needs.
Basic information:
- Location: Lodz Province, Belchatow County, Belchatow City,
- Plot ID (Territory): 100101_1.0017,
- Building area 3,800 sq.m.,
- Plot area: 7,384 sq.m,
- Media: water, sewerage, gas, electricity, heating and Internet on the plot,
- KWR: there is, encumbered,
- Public transport access: bus,
- Access: communal road,
- Road type: asphalt.
Planning status:
- MPZP Resolution No. XLIX/455/18 of the Municipal Council of Belchatow dated June 27, 2018,
- Designation in the plan "3P,S,U (ks,e)",
- Primary use: production development, warehouses, services,
- Permissible use: parking lots, transformer-distribution stations,
- Permissible use: production development, commercial services, warehouses, buildings accompanying production development, services: social buildings, administrative buildings, wholesalers, fuel stations, car washes, stations for servicing means of transport, facilities for collecting, segregating, processing waste,
- Service function including hospitality, over 144 rooms with bathrooms,
- Building area: 90%,
- Building height: 6 stories,
- PBC 5%.
A building permit has been issued for the building to bring it into compliance with current regulations.
Renovation work is currently underway, insulating the building, putting in a new elevator, and finishing work.
The hotel can accommodate 400 people. A concept for 144 units of 17 sqm has been done.
There is a possibility to build a second building of 2,000 sqm on the property. Additional land surcharge of 1 million.
Poglądowe zdjęcia udostępnione za pomocą:
Google, My Maps (Google), e-mapa, geoportal, SIP, BIP, OnGeo.
Serdecznie zapraszam na prezentację nieruchomości w dogodnym dla Państwa terminie.
Jeśli macie Państwo pytania, proszę pisać i dzwonić.
Pracuję od poniedziałku do soboty w godzinach 7-19.
Information about the building
Terms of Business
Parking place
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask